Ernst (1928) and Rose Marie (1930) Bretscher, a young Swiss couple, who were members of an evangelical church in the 50's heard the call of God to preach the gospel in Calabria, one of the poorest regions in Southern Italy.  They sold their newly-built house, paid the money back to the bank, handed in their notice at a good job with the Migros Group, and without any financial security left with their five children relying solely on the goodness and faithfulness of God.


If an employer can hand you your salary at the end of every month,

how much more is God able to provide all your needs?


Didn't Jesus affirm this in Matthew 6:25-34?



Their mission started in 1960 with a series of big problems, caused in part by the hostility and mistrust of the Calabrian people and their clergy. But the Bretschers, with patience and perseverance, covered the length and breadth of Calabria proclaiming the gospel to as many people as possible, and distributed hundreds of thousands of tracts and gospels.  They preached under tents, in the squares, in markets, religious fairs, on the beaches, in the countryside and from house to house. With the help of many young volunteers, mainly from The Netherlands and Switzerland they worked for years without any salary.


The first small groups and churches were formed. Along side their evangelistic activities they began their social work among children and impoverished families, first in a private home, then in an old hotel and then finally in a large structure that they built thanks to unexpected financial donations that enabled them to pay every single invoice. This work evolved as a response to the various social needs in Calabria, all done in the name of Jesus.


To start off with, people with dubious morals tried to stop the Bretscher couple, with curses, threats, even attempts on their lives, (there is a famous episode where a Mafioso repeatedly tried to shoot Ernst and every time his pistol jammed) sabotaging of their vehicles, pressure from the priest in order to forbid their activity send them out of Italy, and even attacks on their health.  But to this day nothing has stopped them. Well into their 80’s they are still on the front line leading people to Jesus and making the disciples.

Missione Evangelica in Italia

Evangelisches Missionswerk in Italien

Mission évangélique en Italie

Evangelical Mission in Italy




Various ministries were birthed through the ministry of Ernst and Rose Marie. Their eldest son Ernesto, along with his wife Christa, continued the pioneering work of his parents, first in Calabria, then in Campania (the region where Naples is located) and finally in northern Italy.


In 1978 Ernesto met pastor Giovanni Traettino, who shared with him a vision of a healthy, united and credible church in a nation afflicted with an irresponsible religion, corruption, materialism, immorality and conflicts.  There began a new walk together that would see a unity of evangelical pastors hailing from various spiritual streams, giving birth to a work making sincere believers throughout the nation aware, through magazines, a Bible School, conferences and seminars.


Some churches joined the group, others were planted and yet others were formed and the Movement, lead by an apostolic team including, Giovanni Traettino, Ernst Bretscher, Ernesto Bretscher, Geoffrey Allen, Emilio Ursomando and Massimo Loda, chose the name Chiesa Evangelica della Riconciliazione, having influence from the north to the south of Italy. And since 2000 they have been impacting Africa and other parts of the world.


The evangelical mission in Calabria also merged with the Chiesa Evangelica della Riconciliazione movement.


Some of the characteristic themes of their doctrine are:  the Lordship of Jesus, Intimacy with God, Worship of the Father, the New Covenant, Communion, a Church made up of people in relationship, the ministries of the Church, Discipleship, Cell Groups, The quality of Christian ethics, Unity of the Church, Mission: A Church that serves the world; A heart for the poor.



For further information:




“With the humble awareness that we have opened a fertile path for the future of the church, we try to offer a crucial answer to the strategic need of the Church in our generation, in a moment of significant change in the history of the church.  That which has been generated among us, is not necessarily unique, but certainly precious in its own way and without doubt of great value to the lives of all of us who have walked together in the last few years.

The desire in our hearts has started to become reality. We have seen space for communion born and take shape, a network of “covenant brothers” and friends; a network of networks, a spiritual workshop that, while praying and working through things together, has grown more and more, together in the understanding and sharing of the plan of God for the Church, of the nature, importance and relevancy of the Gospel of the Kingdom, the horizon of unity and reconciliation, of the heart of God for all Christians with a view to the healing and salvation of the world.

Today AFI organises meetings for pastors and apostolic consultations in different continents of the world producing theological reflections of great depth, all published on the website in English, Spanish, with some in French and Italian.


For more information:  (English)



Promoting the renewal of life and the structures of the church, striving for awakening and unity of the evangelical world, promoting the discovery of the relationship as the "heart" of the kingdom of God, rediscovering the relevance of the charisms and ministries for all the world Gospel, promoting the discovery of the relationship as the "heart" of the kingdom of God, rediscovering the relevance of the charisms and ministries of all to grow to maturity, encouraging and full recovery and the expression of praise and worship, working and suffering on the border of reconciliation with all Christians.




Visualizza Chiese della Riconciliazione in Italia in una mappa di dimensioni maggiori
  • + BIELLA
     Pastore: Alberto Antonello Via Ivrea, 70 - 13900 Biella Telefoni Chiesa: 377-1766973 Pastore Alberto Antonello: cell. 338-1769855 Indirizzo e-mail: Celebrazione – Domenica, ore 10:30 Incontro di Preghiera – Giovedì, ore 20:30
    Pastore: Giacomo Casolari Via di Corticella, 208 - 40128 Bologna Tel. 051-373383, 328-2776205 Celebrazione – Domenica, ore 10,30 Incontro di preghiera - Mercoledì ore 20.30 Durante la settimana - gruppi di studio e preghiera nelle case per informazioni: 328 2776205 Evangelizzazione in via Ugo Bassi - Sabato ore 16,30 - 19,30
    Pastore: Geoffrey Allen Via Valentini 5 - Brescia(quartiere Urago-Mella) Telefoni 030-5234250, 348-8130057 email : Celebrazione – Domenica, ore 10,30 Martedì ore 21,00 Giovedì ore 20,30 Riunioni infrasettimanali in casa, anche a Bergamo, Leno (BS) e Gussago (BS)
    Pastore: Tonino Ciccaglione Zona Industriale - 86100 Campobasso (adiacente cinema maestoso) Telefono 320.2294707 mail: Celebrazione: Domenica - ore 10.30 Giovedì - ore 20,00 Preghiera ogni giovedì dalle 8,30 alle 16,00 Riunioni in casa dal lunedì al sabato.
    Pastore: Luigi Conte Via Fiume, 37 - 81030 Casal di Principe (CE) Tel. 081-8164166, 081-8926826 Celebrazione - Domenica ore 10,00
    Pastore: Franco Bosio Anziani: Mario Traettino, Salvatore Interlandi, Via Feudo di San Martino, 4 - 81100 Caserta Telefono 0823-443077 Celebrazione – Domenica, ore 10.00 Incontro di preghiera – Venerdì, ore 19.00 Riunioni in casa, anche a Napoli (S. Pietro a Patierno), Pomigliano d`Arco (NA)
     Pastore: Emilio Quirino Pastore: Ranieri Van Gent Traversa I degli Svevi 1/1 Località Campagnella - 88100 Catanzaro Telefoni Chiesa 0961-751824 Pastore Ranieri Van Gent : 338-8360958 Pastore Emilio Quirino :333-7228548 Celebrazione – Domenica, ore 18.00 Giovedi ore 18.00 Incontro dei giovani – Sabato, ore 18,00 Altri incontri a Marcellinara, Nicastro e Soverato
     Pastore: Giuseppe Imperitura Anziano: Ernesto O. Bretscher Anziano: Emilio Foti Via Marano, Snc - 89041 Caulonia Marina (RC) Telefoni Chiesa 0964-83193 (telefono e fax) Pastore: Giuseppe Imperitura 328-9422659, 320-2173947 Anziano Ernesto O. Bretscher: 0964-85423 Anziano Emilio Foti: 0964-863259 email: Celebrazione – Domenica, ore 10,00 (Caulonia) Celebrazione – Domenica, ore 18,30 (Siderno) Riunioni in casa anche a Roccella Jonica (RC), Siderno Marina (RC), San Nicola d`Ardore (RC)
  • + GELA
     Comunità Cristiana di Gela Pastore: Giuseppe Emmanuello Via E. Artigiani snc (C.da Albani Roccella) – 93012 Gela (CL) Tel. 0933-918978 Celebrazione – Domenica, ore 10,00 Mercoledì 19,00
  • + GENOVA
     Pastore: Daniele Marzano Via Digione, 8 fondi - 16126 Genova Telefoni Chiesa: 010-2467443 (telefono e fax) Pastore: Daniele Marzano 347-4162464 email : email del Pastore : daniele.marzano@gmail Celebrazione – Domenica, ore 10,30 Giovedì ore 20,45 Cellule durante la settimana Riunioni in casa in diversi quartieri e a Bogliasco (GE), Rapallo (GE)
  • + LECCO
     Pastore: Biagio Cuoco Via T. Tasso 18 Lecco cell. 3200439777 Culto di celebrazione - Domenica, 10,15 Riunioni familiari: Giovedì, ore 20 (Lecco) Venerdì, ore 19,30 (Mandello del Lario) Mercoledì, ore 20,30 (Valtellina Delebio - Sondrio)
  • + MESTRE
     Pastore: Fabio Pandrin Via Dante, 121 - 30171 Mestre (VE) Telefoni Chiesa 041-927822 Pastore Fabio Pandrin: casa 041-936223 cell. 340-2527494 email : email del Pastore : Celebrazione – Domenica, ore 10,00 Cellule in casa (Mestre) - Lunedì e Venerdì, ore 20,30 Preghiera (Spinea) - Mercoledì ore, 20,30 Cellula (Briana) - Giovedì ore, 20,30 Cellula (Campagna Lupia) - Sabato ore, 20,30
  • + MILANO
     Pastore: Franco Campiti e la moglie Marisa Via Masotto, 9 - 20133 Milano. Telefoni del Pastore casa 0371-68227 (telefono e fax) cell. 392-7130956 e-mail del pastore Incontri in casa a Milano Loreto, Milano Centro, Milano Corvetto, Cesano Boscone, Garbagnate, Peschiera Borromeo, Pandino (Gruppo Rumeno). Celebrazione – Domenica, ore 10,30 Studio biblico - Martedì ore 20,30 Preghiera – Giovedì, ore 20,30 Incontri infrasettimanali nelle case
     Diacono responsabile: Santo Cozzucoli Via E. Hassan, 22 - 90100 Palermo Telefoni Chiesa : 091-471866 (telefono e fax) Diacono Santo Cazzucoli : 328-6711003 e-mail Chiesa : Diacono : Celebrazione – Domenica, ore 18,00 Giovedì ore 19,30
    Pastore: Mauro Adragna Presbitero: Mauro Costa Diacono: Christian Miraglia Via Regione Siciliana Nord Ovest 9906 Telefono 091-752546 email: Celebrazione – Domenica, ore 10,00
  • + PAVIA
     Pastore: Gianfranco Galelli Anziano: Alessandro Oldani Viale Cremona, 209/b - 27100 Pavia Telefoni Chiesa: 0382-570274 Pastore Gianfranco Galelli: casa 0382-467008, cell. 338-7501882 Anziano Alessandro Oldani: casa 037-197259, ufficio 037-197005, cell. 338-7501882 Gruppi infrasettimanali in casa anche a Voghera (PV), Lomello (PV), Borgo San Giovanni (LO), Parma Celebrazione – Domenica, ore 10,00 Intercessione – Lunedì, ore 20,30 Gruppo musicale – Martedì, ore 9,00 Incontro dei giovani - Sabato Ogni Venerdì di fine mese - incontro in chiesa
     Pastore: Emilio Ursomando Via G.Boccaccio, 10 51018 Pieve a Nievole (PT)
     Comunità Cristiana di Barile diacono responsabile: Antonio Piacentini Via Coronei,51 - 85022 Barile (PZ) Telefono 349-8525357 email : Celebrazione – Domenica, ore 10,00 e ore 18,00 Giovedì ore 19,00
     Anziani: Pasquale Focà, Asciutto Carmelo Via Gebbione a Mare, 5 - 89129 Reggio Calabria Tel. 0965/897551 - 0965/640911 Celebrazione – Domenica, ore 10.00 Preghiera – Giovedì, ore 19 Riunioni in casa anche a Lazzaro (RC)
     Comunità “Spirito e Vita” Pastore: Gennaro De Felice Via Irno, 20/A - 84100 Salerno Tel. 089-797819, 089-954804, 335.5337892 Celebrazione – Domenica, ore 10,30 - Giovedì 19,30 Riunioni in casa anche a Montoro (AV)
  • + TORINO
    Chiesa Evangelica della Riconciliazione - Comunità di Torino - Pastore: Maurizio Nano Via Torino, 34 - 10044 - Pianezza (TO) Tel. 011 0465610 - FAX: 011 0465613 Celebrazione – Domenica, ore 10:00 Incontri dei Piccoli Gruppi Familiari durante la settimana



Charity:  SOS Terzo Mondo Italia

This was started through the vision of Ernesto D Bretscher, in Turin in 1993, with a small team of volunteers. Ernesto understood that western nations have a responsibility to the poor in under-developed nations and that the blessing in western nations is also dependant on their attitude towards the world’s hungry. Proverbs 21:13 says, “Whoever shuts their ears to the cry of the poor will also cry out and not be answered.” 10% of the world’s population possesses 90% of the wealth, while 90% of the population must live with the remaining 10%.

The Charity’s motto is: A heart for the Poor.

SOS Terzo Mondo started its work of supporting the social work of the local church, particularly in The Central African Republic (CAR), Chad and in India.  It quickly became the humanitarian arm of Chiesa Evangelica della Riconciliazione.  Thanks to the financial donations of many supporters they have been able to support hundreds of orphans in India, build orphanages in CAR, support many orphans, construct school buildings, support teachers and pastors, equip medical clinics, provide pastors with bicycles, motorbikes, vehicles, bison, ploughs, carts, intervene in many difficult financial and political situations, and set up and facilitate microcredit loans.

In 2000, the long distance adoption department separated from the ministry of SOS Terzo Mondo and came under the banner of Compassion Italia.


For further information:


Work with passion and determination to help

the poor to realize

their value and dignity.

Compassion Italia Onlus


Not having any experience in the long distance adoption sector, SOS Terzo Mondo desired to work in collaboration with tried and tested Christian organizations; and chose Compassion International (, which works in 25 nations around the world and today, through long distance adoption, supports 1.3 million children.

The Italian office, first under the leadership of Ernesto D Bretscher, Daniel Bretscher and most recently, Silvio Galvano, supports 15,000 children.  Through Daniel Brestcher’s commitment and hard work, Compassion Switzerland was born first, in the Italian and French regions and then Compassion Spain.

Today, a team of 20 people works in the Compassion Italia office and in various areas around the country.

For further information:

For further information: (italian);

Over the years, a deep relationship has been built with pastor Pierre Truschel, a beloved and esteemed apostolic minister throughout the French-speaking world both in Europe and Africa. He was based in Grenoble in France. The church in Grenoble – Le Chandelier – was very active in Africa with an association called “Action Apostolique Africaine”. Many times we were invited to visit the mission in Africa.  Unfortunately Pastor Truschel became ill and a few years ago went to be with the Lord.  From then on, at his request, we have followed up his mission in the Central African Republic and in Chad.

Today we work along side “Les églises apostoliques” in The Central African Republic in a particularly dramatic moment in its history. There has been a coup d’état carried out by rebels who have taken control. They have proved that they are not up to the task of managing the administration of the nation.  Today anarchy reigns, the nation is in the hands of rebels and bandits that without any hesitation, raid the little that the people, who are already extremely poor, have.

We are also working closely with the Chadian brothers of “Eglises apostoliques Tchadienne”, helping and equipping them with training materials, bursaries for students, microfinance, and help for farmers all in  also collaboration with the Swiss Association ENTRAID. (

This is

what happens...

...when you give!


We are very grateful to all those who support Project Reconciliation non-profit organization financially.

The majority of our projects are supported by people like you! Thanks to you, we can train, support and carry out projects that allow us to improve the living conditions of other people in Italy and in the world. You are vital to the success of this mission! In a direct way, you help us to create new opportunities to the mission entrusted to us!






> You can make a payment by bank transfer using the IBAN:


 IT55 Q030 6901 1100 0000 6821 876

Banca Intesa San Paolo –

Piazza San Carlo 156 - 10121 Torino - Italy



> You can make a contribution on the La Poste Suisse / Die Schweizerische Post :

CP/PK CP 89-96 6981 9 - IBAN CH75 0900 0000 8996 6981 9 -


Euro account: Progetto Riconciliazione Onlus - Via Torino 34 - 10044 Pianezza - Torino - Italia IBAN: IT64H0335901600100000117082 - BIC: BCITITMX


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     Mission évangélique en Calabre

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Friends of Italy


past. Ernesto D. Bretscher

Via Torino 34

10044 Pianezza - TORINO

tel +39 011 0465610 - +39 011 0465613


skype: edbretscher - Torino Italy